Monday, January 08, 2024

The Little Things That Kill: A Teen Friendship Afterlife Apology Tour (Book Review)

Definitely a unique paranormal story that stands out in its genre. The book draws you into the mystery of what happened to Nicole from the very first pages, as both the reader and the protagonist are trying to figure out how she found herself in that position. The story is told from both the perspectives of Nicole and her friends, providing different angles to the plot. The way Nicole's life and relationships are explored is interesting, and the book's version of the afterlife is certainly compelling. The ending isn't predictable, as it builds up gradually as the story unravels and the main character starts piecing together the puzzle, which is always a plus.

The novel touches upon themes of grief, suicide, and death, so a content warning is warranted going in. Beyond that, though, it's always quite refreshing to see genuine and real female friendships explored. Friendships that, even though they are complex, they don't fall into the usual, tired tropes of competitiveness and petty rivalry, but have sisterhood and caring for one another at their core.


Originally posted on Goodreads

The Little Things That Kill: A Teen Friendship Afterlife Apology Tour (Book Review)

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